Monday, 9 August 2010

Further updates appear here

Well, have had a happy few days in CT, although am sad to report that even the southern hemisphere recognises Bank Holiday weekends. Has not stopped raining! The wind is pretty strong too. Here they call it the Cape Doctor because blows all pollution away, so air quality is great. It also makes ones nose run, but that might just be me and is probably TMI anyway!

Before I came away, I read and was verbally warned about crime here. Well, I have to say...grabbing wood...that the place feels incredibly safe. This is probably due to the vast number of police and security guards on patrol, the police kiosks at regular intervals around town and the feeling that if they suspected nefarious purposes, they'd shoot first and ask questions later. Yesterday at the Bus Station I counted five police( perhaps they are designed, like the buses, to all come at once), 3 security guys busy moving people on( all they were doing was sitting quietly around a statue) and a Town Inspector. These are people paid for by businesses/ community to improve the town generally. Not just security, but litter, graffitit etc. And it works.
Everyone is incredibly polite and helpful...when I wasn't sure which bus to get back to base, the Bus Inspector got on just before departure to check I was OK and tell the driver where to let me off, the people in shops ask you how you are and genuinely seem interested in the answer and not one child or adult misses a please or thank you when speaking to a shop assistant or bus driver. Still can't get used to being called ma'am though!

Have tried twice to get to Robben Island, where Mandela was imprisioned, but weather has put paid to that. So spent a happy couple of days wandering the Vand A Waterfront(Victoria and Alfred!) This is an amazing development of shops, cinema, restaurants, open air amphitheatre and craft centres built around the docks. Sort of Docklands with class and no Gherkin on the horizon...just mountains. I had a happy hour perusing the jewellers( De Beers rather pretty) and designer shops including Gucci, Mont Blanc and Louis Vuitton. Ten miles down the road people are living in shacks of cardboard, corrugated metal and wood. I suppose that may be the same in many places, but here it seems so much more visible than anything I've ever encountered. I refused the offer to have my future told(Crystal ball, not chicken entrails) on the basis that the fortune teller was not open to bargaining and I would have got it no cheaper at 48 than 22, the age of my companion yesterday!

Also went to the Slave Museum which was pretty harrowing but helped explain all the different ethnic aspects of the area. Finally to the Aquarium whicjh I imagine is like aquariums everywhere except this one had a love affair with sharks. Tried to convince customers that the Great White was a poor misunderstood sharky warky. Yeah, right. Two people in area recently eaten by same. Was not convinced. However, they did make their point quite well. Showed extracts from " Jaws" with people running screaming from the sea, only to reveal toasters, chairs and kites. Apparently last year over 700 people were killed by toasters and over 300 each by kites and chairs( don't ask), but only 9 worldwide by sharks. Will still refuse any offers to swim here though.

Well, that's all for now. Still raining so probably to Botanical Gardens where is nice big conservatory.

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