Saturday, 12 June 2010

Gym bunny

Reading the OMG safari details and the horrid bit in the paper work that mentions the R word( that's Rucksack. Rabies is under D for diseases) I felt I ought to attempt to get fit. Having always been relatively skinny, I've never been much for fitness, with the result that flesh has headed souhwards over the years and carrying a rucksack fills me with dread. So, off to the gym. Vague ideas of a two month membership. Nope. Twelve month minimum. From there to the purchase of singularly unattractive gym gear. Trainer socks that disappear deep inside trainers and baggy trackky bottoms. Teenage daughter bribed to put Dead Groovy music on i pod to make treadmill machine bearable...
Well, it was a nightmare. Why do these gyms have Sky TV on, with music videos featuring mega fit and attractive youf who not only appear to be able to sing, but dance at the same time. I don't even have breath for 10 sit ups..... All around fit( in both senses) blokes lifting kilos and kilos of metal whilst I struggle with one.
So have booked second session for tomorrow. And doubtless a purchase of suitcase on wheels on Monday


  1. Loving the blog, Sally. Will mention it on Twitter to my bloggy mates so you can hopefully get some followers. You deserve to; made me laugh missus!

  2. Found you via Twitter. I can relate to you in this post; gyms are definitely geared up for leotards and legs these days, and folk like me have to stay in a corner on an exercise bike pretending not to pant. I guess you'll enjoy it eventually!

    Great blog.
    CJ xx

  3. thank you both. Not sure I'll ever enjoy it though Crystal Jigsaw...survival is the most I can hope for.

  4. Oh what a description! You really made me laugh! Welcome to blogland. I shall enjoy sharing your tales!

  5. Thanks for the comment jfb57 and the welcome...I did not laugh. I am too sore to even move much.
